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7 Signs You Are PMSingSigns Pms

Posted In Body and Skin Care / Top to Toe
Published On 23 Jun 2015

Unless you’re one of the few lucky women who seem to be living on a different planet, the warning signs of PMS are unmissable. It’s that time of the month to reconsider all your life choices and scream at your mirror. Here are the biggest signs that regularly remind you of PMSing, just in case you hit your head and forgot.

1. The Muffin Top

While cramps are their own torture, here comes the moment when your clothes don’t fit. Bloating makes you feel like the Michelin man. The skinny jeans that you wore yesterday now look and feel one size too small. Time to dig deep in your closet for those loose tops!

2. Cravings Central

Chocolate, ice cream, chips, and pizza are your new food groups! Even when you know how you’ll feel afterward, you just can’t help it. The sugar cravings are bad for your waistline any time. But the salt craving leads to even more bloating. And who can sleep after a late supper of 1,000 calories?

3. Waxing Torture

You planned your bikini waxing for this week and you can’t reschedule? Tough luck. Everything hurts more, but waxing is a nightmare when you’re PMSing. Wait for your period to be over or prepare to experience pain that’s usually reserved for child birth.

4. Everyone Is Annoying

Tags: pms signs, pms signs before period, pms making me crazy, pms mood swings

Read more: 7 Signs You Are PMSing

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