Published On 05 May 2015
When you want to keep your teeth healthy and looking their best, you should be careful when it comes to the foods and drinks that can have a negative impact on your smile.
Check out the worst foods for your teeth, and find out how you can reduce the damage caused by some of them. From highly acidic foods to drinks that contain way too much sugar, here are the biggest dangers for your teeth.
Citrus Fruit
They’re a great source of vitamin C, but citrus fruits and their juices can cause a lot of damage to the tooth enamel. Eating oranges and drinking their juice seems to be the least harmful for your teeth, while lemon and grapefruit erode enamel in the worst way. You should always floss after you eat citrus fruit and rinse your mouth with water after drinking juice made from citrus fruit.
Hard Candy
It’s obvious why hard candy is one of the worst foods for your teeth. It’s usually very sweet, and sugar is just as bad for your teeth as highly acidic foods, but hard candy can also cause physical damage to the enamel. Stay away from jawbreakers and other hard candy, especially if they’re flavored with citric acid, making them a triple threat.
White Bread and Crackers
Tags: teeth staining foods, tooth enamel erosion, foods that hurt teeth, teeth staining drinks
Read more: Foods and Drinks That Ruin Your Pearly Whites