Published On 01 Sep 2014

Whether you’re dealing with a broken heart or just a painful breakup, taking the old school approach won’t really help you get over it faster. Find out how to speed up the process while also focusing on the lessons you should learn from your relationship.
Learn how to get over a breakup faster by tweaking the traditional way of eating gallons or ice cream, getting yourself into debt with expensive purchases or giving up your tresses for a pixie cut.
DON’T: Stay in Bed More Than One Day
Wallowing in your own misery may be an important step in getting over the breakup, but it should also be a very short one. Allow yourself a single day for moping around after your breakup, then get out of bed and face the world that’s still there.
DO: Allow Yourself to Grieve
Jumping right back in the saddle doesn’t mean a one night stand to rebuild your confidence. When you’re wondering how to get over a breakup faster, try to focus on what went wrong and learn from your experience. Once you know what pratfall to avoid in your next relationship, you can stop grieving.

Tags: getting over a break up, moving on after breakup, bouncing back after breakup
Read more: How to Get Over a Breakup Faster