Published On 20 Jun 2014
While most celebrity obsessions stay online, some stalkers actually become a danger to the stars they’re obsessed with. Learn more about some of the most famous celebrity stalker cases, which ended with restraining orders or even jail time.
From the latest stalker scandal that involved Sandra Bullock to the most disturbing stalkers of the ‘80s and ‘90s, find out which celebrities were targeted by unbalanced individuals.
Sandra Bullock
Joshua James Corbett, who broke into Sandra Bullock’s home while the actress was there, has been charged with 19 felony counts. The stalker has stockpiled a true weapons arsenal, including 7 machine guns. This isn’t the first time Bullock had a bad experience with a stalker. In 2007, Marcia Diana Valentine tried to run over Bullock’s husband in the couple’s driveway.
Alec Baldwin
One of the famous celebrity stalker cases, actress Genevieve Sabourin developed an obsession with Alec Baldwin, almost a decade after meeting him. She was arrested in 2012, after stalking Baldwin at his Greenwich Village apartment. She served 7 months in jail starting in November 2013 for stalking, harassment and contempt of court.
Tags: celebrity stalker cases, celebrity stalking victims, celebrity restraining orders, celebrity stalkers
Read more: Famous Celebrity Stalker Cases